Payment options
Our current forms of payment are as follows:
Credit Card In-Person
ACH / Electronic Payments:
To sign-up for electronic payments, you must complete our ACH form, and return it to our office. You may request this form at anytime; however, electronic ACH payments are done one time per month and have been set-up for the 25th of each month (unless on a weekend or holiday).
Payment Policies:
The current “amount due” on the invoice is due and payable on or before the last day of the current month. Payments received by mail will be considered to have been paid as of the date of the postmark. Should the last day of the month fall on a Sunday or legal holiday, the following day will be considered to be the due date for payment. Payments received or postmarked after the due date shall be considered delinquent. Accounts which are delinquent shall be assessed a flat penalty, referred to as a “late payment penalty.” A “returned check charge” will be assessed on each account when payments are returned unpaid by the bank. If a new valid payment is not received before the due date, the late payment penalty shall be applied in addition to the return check charge.
Download Full Payment & Service Disconnection Policy